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Change Your Registered Office Address in 5 min. Our service includes the filing of the Companies House forms as well as all other paperwork necessary to change the Registered Office Address of your limited company.

  • No paper forms or signature
  • Fully Managed Same Day Processing
  • Approved Secretarial software

Change your limited company details using OnlineFilings services

1. Find your company in Companies House register
Find the company for which you want to Change the details and select the change(s) that you want to operate.

2. Fill out our short simplified application in less than 5 min
Make multiple changes (eg: remove director or add business activity) all at once No need to fill multiple time consuming forms, our process is 100% online. All paperwork is filed electronically with Companies House.

3. Your limited company details change is completed
Companies House will take on average 48 hours to process the changes, once approved, you will be notified by email. A VAT invoice and a copy of your digital documents will be sent to you.

Use OnlineFilings to change the registered address of your limited company

Use Our Companies House Approved Secretarial Software to Change the registered office address of your Limited Company Online

Professional Services
Online Filings is a Companies House authorised formation agent. This means that we have developed our own Secretarial Software, approved by Companies House which securely sends all your information directly to Companies House.

Fast and Easy Process
To process your limited Company Address Change, you will just need to provide us with your director authentication code as well as the new name you would like to call your Limited Company.

Lifetime Customer Support
Call, email or chat; we’re here for you. We provide help with added services after your change of address has been filed.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can a Limited Company change its registered office address?

You can change the registered office address of the company at any time, although it must remain in the same part of the UK in which the company was incorporated – so, for example, a company registered in England & Wales cannot have a registered office address in Edinburgh or Belfast.

Who do you need to notify when you change your Limited Company Registered Office Address?

By virtue of section 86(2) of the Companies Act 2006, any person can still serve a document on the company at its previous registered office address for 14 days after the address is updated by Companies House.

There are many different people who you should inform of any change to the company’s registered office address, including:
- Banks and creditors
- Auditors, Solicitors and accountants
- HMRC – with respect to PAYE, VAT, share schemes and corporation tax
- Suppliers
- Shareholders

Do I need special approval to change a limited Company registered office address?

A change in registered office address should be approved by a directors’ meeting. A change of registered office address can be made by passing a resolution: onlinefilings.co.uk will prepare your director resolution to change the registered office address which you can adapt and use.

How do I change my registered address?

The easiest way is to use Online Filings Companies House approved secretarial filing software. It only takes 5 minutes t change your registered office address. The process is all online and we will deal the filing of all paperwork.
Alternatively you can fill the form AD01 and post it t companies house as well as your supporting documents (director/board meeting resolution etc)


Update the Companies House register

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