A ‘Government Gateway’ account is basically an online account for HMRC tax services where you can manage your personal tax affairs. This is how the vast majority of people manage their taxes in the UK.
Importantly, you will need to distinguish between your personal or individual Government Gateway account and your organisation’s Government Gateway account.
If you are a Sole Trader you will just use your individual Government Gateway account (your own personal one).
If you are a Limited company or have recently began to work through a newly formed company, you will need to have a personal Government Gateway account for your own taxes as a private individual and then you will need to have an organisation Government Gateway account, for your company’s taxes.
The option to choose this will look like this later on:

In this article we will look at creating your own company Government Gateway account for you to manage your company’s tax filings.
Creating an 'organisation' Government Gateway for your company:
- Click this link to ‘Sign in to HMRC Online Services’
- Choose to ‘create sign in details’.
- On the next step, you will need to enter your business email address.
- Enter the code you would have received via email and click Confirm then click Continue on the next page.
- Then you will be asked to enter your full name, this is your own name and not the company name.
- You then be informed that you need to select a Recovery Word, this is so you can change password should you forget it.
- Enter a Recovery Word and then press Continue.
- You will then receive your Government Gateway User ID, please record this somewhere safe as you will need it each time to log into your account. Press Continue.
- Then you will be asked to choose the type of account you need. Please choose ‘Organisation’ and press Continue.
- Once you’ve set this up you will be able to add tax services to your account.
- Click below to go to the relevant article to do this for either Corporation Tax, PAYE or VAT:
- To add VAT to your Business Tax Account, Click here
- To add PAYE to your Business Tax Account, Click here
- To add Corporation Tax to your Business Tax Account, Click here

If you need any help with your account, please feel free to contact our friendly Customer Experience team, via chat or by email at support@onlinefilings.co.uk